About Me
I am a calmness coach.
I help people who are feeling out of synch find more ease in their life.
I am a certified life and wellness coach (Canada Coach Academy).
I practice the International Coaching Federation (ICF) core competencies.
I am commited to the ICF core values: Integrity, Excellence, Collaboration, Respect.
I am a certified yoga teacher, currently studying embodied yoga principles.
I started practicing yoga in the early 1990’s. I became a teacher in 2012.
I am fascinated with our how thoughts affect our well-being.
I love the quote “Change your thoughts: Change your life.”
I believe that becoming more attuned to our embodiment can have a profound impact.
I reside in the beautiful Niagara Region in Ontario, Canada.
Miscellaneous tidbit: I am a cat lover and a tea lover.
About Me

My Story
In my mid-thirties I began a journey to figure out who I am, what I truly believe, and who I want to be.
It is an ongoing journey that has changed how I show up in the world.
I am honoured that others share their vulnerability and trust with me as a coach and as a yoga teacher.
I am excited about the opportunity to help others on their journey to being the best they can be.
I am passionate about welcoming each unique body, mind and soul to my coaching practice and to my yoga class.
I am a certified life and wellness coach (Canada Coach Academy).
I practice the International Coaching Federation (ICF) core competencies.
I am commited to the ICF core values: Integrity, Excellence, Collaborataion, Respect.
I am a certified yoga teacher, currently studying emobodied yoga principles.
I love the quote “Change your thoughts: Change your life.”
I believe that becoming more attuned to our embodiment can have a profound impact.
I would love to help you find more ease in your life.
Miscellaneous tidbit: I am a cat lover and a tea lover.
You are welcome to be with me, exactly as you are.
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